Monday, July 31, 2006

Good grief!

i can NOT wait for vacation time to be OVER! i get a break from my kids, i will be moving shortly after i go back to work & two weeks after that the kids will be going BACK TO SCHOOL!
my parents are due back from the southern states tomorrow, so is house cleaning duties today, oh joy & bliss, just what i live for, cleaning house!
part of my problem is the kids had a sleep over last night which means they didn't go to bed till midnight or so. i haven't been sleeping well lately, so of course last night WOULD be the night i could have gone to sleep at 9 & slept right through till this morning, but noooooooooooooooo, that is the night they won't go to bed! (two of them at any rate, the other one was complaing cause he wanted to go to sleep & the other two wouldn't let him).
will this summer EVER end???????????????
it is way too hot, approaching 100F PLUS the humidex--not very comfortable in any way, shape or form! especially when you work nights so have to sleep during the heat of the day!
ah well, off to clean the bathroom (ick!).
Later all

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